Postgresql basic SQL Alternate Commands

How to connect with postgres CLI

su postgres
psql -U postgres -W Password

Postgress keywords in comparison to mysql

database=# \l                                           //show databases
database=# \c database                           // use database
database=# \dt                                        // show tables;
database=# \d table                                // describe table

PG_VERSION is the necessary data directory of that table is necessary

how to take backup in psql

export PGPASSWORD=`cat /etc/heplify-server.toml | grep DBPass | awk '{print $3}' | tr -d '"'`
pg_dump -U homer_user -h localhost -d homer_config -t users > /root/backup.sql

How to configure SSL

Go to this Link

Enjoy 😉

How to resize any VMs Hard disk size

Pre-Requiste First Confirm if your Linux machine was created using LVM or not, execute the following commands pvdisplay vgdisplay lvdisplay ...