How to Configure Fail2Ban with FreeSwitch

Install fail2ban

apt install fail2ban

create the following file

vim /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/freeswitch.local

copy the following content in the file freeswitch.local

enabled = true

maxretry = 3
findtime  =  3600
bantime   =  300

Now create the following file

vim /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf

copy the following line in jail.conf

port     = 11110,11111
protocol = tcp
filter   = freeswitch
logpath  = /var/log/freeswitch/freeswitch.log
action   = iptables-allports[name=freeswitch-tcp, protocol=all]

port     = 5060,5061,5080,5081
protocol = udp
filter   = freeswitch
logpath  = /var/log/freeswitch/freeswitch.log
action   = iptables-allports[name=freeswitch-udp, protocol=all]

create the following file

cat /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/freeswitch.conf

copy the following lines


before = common.conf


_daemon = freeswitch

 mode = extra

failregex = \[WARNING\] sofia_reg.c:\d+ SIP auth failure \(REGISTER\) on sofia profile \'\w+\' for \[.*\] from ip <HOST>
            \[WARNING\] sofia_reg.c:\d+ SIP auth failure \(INVITE\) on sofia profile \'\w+\' for \[.*\] from ip <HOST>
            \[WARNING\] sofia_reg.c:\d+ SIP auth challenge \(REGISTER\) on sofia profile \'\w+\' for \[.*\] from ip <HOST>
            \[WARNING\] sofia_reg.c:\d+ Can\'t find user \[.*\] from <HOST>

ignoreregex =

stop fail2ban

systemctl stop fail2ban

Start fail2ban in debug mode

fail2ban-server -xf -vvv

check fail2ban logs

tail -f /var/log/fail2ban.log

Check Status

fail2ban-client status
|- Number of jail:      1
`- Jail list:   freeswitch-tcp

make some fail REGISTRATIONS

fail2ban-client status freeswitch-tcp
Status for the jail: freeswitch-tcp
|- Filter
|  |- Currently failed: 0
|  |- Total failed:     0
|  `- File list:        /var/log/freeswitch/freeswitch.log
`- Actions
   |- Currently banned: 1
   |- Total banned:     1
   `- Banned IP list:

Comand to unban the IPs

fail2ban-client -vvv set freeswitch banip
fail2ban-client -vvv set freeswitch unbanip
fail2ban-client -d
iptables -nL

Enjoy 😉

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